Journal of Technology and Computer (JOTECHCOM) is a peer-reviewed journal in the field of technology and computer science which is published four (4) times a year, scheduled in February, May, August and November.

The Journal of Technology and Computer (JOTECHCOM) brings together researchers, academics (faculty and students), and industry practitioners to develop the field, discuss new trends and opportunities, exchange ideas and practices, and promote cross-disciplinary and cross-domain collaboration.

JOTECHCOM aims to integrate all scientific disciplines, such as computer science, information systems, informatics, information technology, data science, databases, artificial intelligence, data mining, decision support systems, expert systems, and other related disciplines. This journal is published by PT. Technology Laboratories Indonesia (TechnoLabs) Publisher division. Accepted papers will be available online (free open access).

Journal name : Journal of Technology and Computer (JOTECHCOM)
ISSN : 3048-0477 (media online)
Accreditation : on process
DOI : on process
Chief Editor : M. Rhifky Wayahdi, Faculty of Technology, Battuta University, Indonesia (Scopus ID: 57210233385)
Frequency : 4 times a year (FebruaryMayAugust, and November)
Publisher : PT. Technology Laboratories Indonesia (TechnoLabs)
Indexed : Google Scholar | Garuda | Copernicus | Sinta (on process)
Email : | +6281396692946 (WhatsApp / Telegram)

Terbitan Terkini

Vol 1 No 3 (2024): August 2024 - Journal of Technology and Computer
					Lihat Vol 1 No 3 (2024): August 2024 - Journal of Technology and Computer
Diterbitkan: 2024-08-01


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