Focus and Scope

JOTECHCOM aims to integrate all scientific disciplines, such as computer science, information systems, informatics, information technology, data science, databases, artificial intelligence, data mining, decision support systems, expert systems, and other related disciplines. This journal is published by PT. Technology Laboratories Indonesia (TechnoLabs) Publisher division. Accepted papers will be available online (free open access).

Topics of relevance cover all aspects of trends, scientific foundations, technology, computer science, and information systems. The topics of interest listed are as follows:

Data clustering and classifications
Statistical model in data science
Artificial intelligence and machine learning in data science
Data visualization
Data mining
Educational data mining
Data intelligence
Business intelligence and data warehousing
Cloud computing for Big Data
Data processing and analytics in IoT
Tools and applications in data science
Vision and future directions of data science
Computational Linguistics
Text Classification
Language resources
Information retrieval
Information extraction
Information security
Machine translation
Sentiment analysis
Speech processing
Mathematical linguistics
NLP applications
Information Science
Cryptography and steganography
Digital Forensic
Social media and social network
Computational intelligence
Collective intelligence
Graph theory and computation
Network science
Modeling and simulation
Parallel and distributed computing
UI/UX Design
High-performance computing
Information architecture