Sentiment Analysis On Police Brigadier Shooting Case Using K-Means Clustering


  • Masri Wahyuni Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK) Polibisnis Penulis
  • Basyit Mubarroq Rambe AMIK Polibisnis Penulis
  • Yuni Franciska Br Tarigan Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK) Polibisnis Penulis
  • Karyawaty Gultom Akademi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer (AMIK) Polibisnis Penulis

Kata Kunci:

Sentiment analysis , Twitter, Topic modeling , Latent dirichlect allocation , K-means clustering.


As a medium that can be used to convey public criticism and aspirations in real time, Twitter is used as a data collection source using crawling techniques, to analyze public sentiment or response to the police brigadier shooting case. Latent dirichlet al-location (LDA) is used to determine the topics that appear in each of the collected tweets, and then used as a feature in grouping the contents of the tweets based on their respective sentiment values. The results of clustering using the k-means clustering algorithm obtained are: 11.9% of netizens gave a positive response, 18.9% of netizens gave a neutral response and 69.2% of netizens gave a negative response to the case. Thus, from the results of this study it can be concluded that netizens tend to give a negative response or reaction to the police brigadier shooting case, when viewed from the percentage of each type of response.


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Cara Mengutip

Wahyuni , M. ., Rambe, B. M., Br Tarigan , Y. F. ., & Gultom , K. . (2024). Sentiment Analysis On Police Brigadier Shooting Case Using K-Means Clustering. Journal of Technology and Computer, 1(2), 7-11.

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